
5 Mistakes to avoid while blogging

by Muhammad Asmal / Ai

5 Mistakes to avoid when blogging in 2017

Setting up a blog might get you extremely excited and it’s easier to commit mistakes while trying to rush things a bit. Making mistakes is fine as that helps you to learn but if you’re aware of some of the blunders that bloggers make in a hurry, then you can concentrate on creating some incredible posts.

Instead of screwing up things, here is a list of 5 mistakes to avoid while blogging in 2017:

1. Not scheduling blogs
Excitement can often get the better of you, especially when you are involved in something as creative as blogging. During the first few weeks, ideas might be bubbling in your mind and you might even publish on a regular basis. However, the day won’t be far when things will start slowing down and it eventually gets to a point where you will not be publishing for months.

This is not at all desirable because your audience requires predictability and when you fail to offer that, they will soon migrate to some other blogs. It’s better to schedule your blogs so that your audience can get to read your posts at regular intervals.

2. Avoiding usage of whitespace or headers
What’s the point in creating a blog that has only text? Your readers are going to move to other blogs if you don’t present things in a properly arranged manner. Presentable blogs will create the right impression and will also keep the reader hooked on to every word you publish. Start using headers and whitespace, while formatting the text in a proper manner.

3. Stop using “Click Here”
New bloggers love to use the word “Click Here” and hyper-link the same to redirect the visitors. However, this is the worst form of spamming that one can think of and it is an instant turn-off for your readers. On the other hand, if you can successfully hyperlink the keywords then visitors will be automatically ferried to the other pages of the site you want them to visit.

4. Publishing blogs without images
Images have always had a greater impact on readers than words, especially when your readers hurryingly skimming for information. Blog posts without images are plain drab and boring – put in the right images to create the best impact.

5. Not replying to comments
If your reader has taken time to comment then it’s your responsibility to post a reply. This not only helps to build a credit but also encourages them to comment on your future posts.

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