Creating informative content is one of the essentials that any business must master to be successful in today’s marketplace. In fact, creating simple, educational content and posting it in the right place at the correct time is essential at each step of the sale’s funnel. Whether you think you are a pro at doing this or you are a novice just getting started, it is never too late to review some basic guidelines as creating high-quality content is essential to improving the way that people see your business.
Create Intriguing Headlines
Washington Post explains, ”research shows that 59 percent of people share articles on popular social media sites without ever reading the article.” Additionally, numerous people read your headline but choose not to read the article. Therefore, it is essential to create attention-grabbing headlines that make people want to click-through to the rest of the story. The best headlines use powerful words, and they make a promise that the article delivers on. Make sure to eliminate the fluff while using interesting words that intrigue the viewer to want to find out more.
Use Subheadings
Over 80 percent of content created for the internet goes unread, according to Uberflip. Therefore, it is essential to make people want to stop and read your article. After getting them interested with an intriguing headline, the next step is to use subheadings to break apart the content into readable chunks. Count on your subheadings to make people say that they want to stop and read what you have to say on a particular subject.
Solve Problems
Each piece of content that you create should be useful to the person engaging with it. One of the best ways to do this is to solve the problems your targeted audience is experiencing. Before you race to put out the article, however, take a step back and consider what format is going to help the person solve their problem the best. In some cases, it may be a question and answer format where you answer questions that you get on your social media feed all the time while in other cases, it may be a review post with a special offer in it.
Keep Them Entertained
Although it may sound strange, sometimes your content, no matter how good the writing is, how relevant the information is, or any other factors, won’t keep people entertained. Even incorporating a photo to break up paragraphs, important quotes in a different font or size, or anything you think will improve the readability of your content. According to Word Counter, “get the feel of what grabs your target audience’s attention by experimenting with different approaches—whether an unforgettable quote, a funny quip or an informative piece of trivia.” You will find more people will make it to the end of your content and will actually engage with it as opposed to just moving onto something else. Which leads me to the next point.
Write Great Calls-to-action
Regardless of the type of engagement that you create, it is essential that you include one or more calls-to-action. Let the person who is engaging with your content know exactly what you would like them to do next in a powerful way that they will naturally follow. Shutterstock reinforces, “start with a strong, actionable verb, and keep it short and direct. Customers need to know exactly what to do or else they may leave without acting.” Make it easy for them to carry out your instructions whether it be to download a white paper, call your company or send you an email. Following these simple tips will help improve the way that your customers see your business. Get started today raising the expectations of your customers by creating great content that will get read and watch your return-on-investment rise substantially.
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