The Secret to Growing Your Business in 2020 - Facebook Ads

I am going to give you the low down on Facebook ads and why you should definitely be using it in your business.

Every single business owner wants to grow their business, that’s a given, but are you tired of paying for print ads but not knowing if it’s actually working or not? Or are you tired of marketing agencies promising the world but delivering nothing?
You are not alone, the majority of South African business owners are still using outdated marketing methods and wishing for the best.


The world’s largest social media platform.

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, with more than 2.50 billion monthly users.
In 2007, the company launched Facebook Ads, which gave businesses the exclusive opportunity to place ads on Facebook’s social media network.


Is Facebook Paid Advertising Effective?

When Facebook paid advertising was first released, it had to compete against several established competitors including Google Adwords, Microsoft Advertising, Infolinks, and Revcontent. There was a perception that an ad network locked into a single social media ecosphere might not be successful.

As it turns out, the criticisms of the platform were unwarranted. In most cases, marketers who failed to do well with Facebook ads were creating poorly targeted campaigns or using ad copy that was not engaging.

At DEZIGN-IT, we have found that Facebook ads work well for virtually any business in any industry – when the right approach to designing a Facebook ad campaign is used.

The key to doing well on Facebook’s advertising platform is understanding that people don’t use Facebook as a product or service hunting platform. They rarely go to Facebook looking to find a new plumber or lawyer.

Facebook users don’t want to be “sold to” in an aggressive way while using the platform. However, they are open to learning more about products, services, and brands. This is particularly true if the business is somehow related to someone in their social network.

This means that aggressive ad copy that is looking to sell to users is not effective on Facebook. Ads that improve rapport, trust, and brand awareness have been proven to be much more successful.


Benefits of Facebook Advertising

Let’s take a quick look at some of the benefits associated with Facebook advertising.


Reaches a Large Targeted Audience

If you are interested in obtaining user engagement with a South African audience, Facebook is one of the best options available. There are nearly 30 million South Africans with a Facebook account and about 6.8 million South African Instagram users.
FYI – Facebook owns Instagram (and WhatsApp)

Another significant advantage of using Facebook is that you can specify precisely who should see your ads. You can specify that people of a certain gender, age group, or location see a specific ad.

You can also target users based on their interests and behaviours, their education level, or their employment status. e.g you could target males younger than 65 in South Africa who prefer high-value goods. The targeting options are endless.

Targeting is also the number one reason why Facebook ads don’t work for some. Even if you have the best-designed ad, the best ad copy, and the best offer — if you target the wrong audience, the chances of your ad actually working are pretty slim.

By designing carefully targeted Facebook ad campaigns, you can reach the specific subset of South African consumers who may be interested in your product or service. Accessing your target demographic effectively results in more sales and better customer engagement.


Many Types Of Advertisements

Facebook has been very good at providing advertisers with different ad formats. Currently, you have the option of using objectives such as “Brand Awareness, Traffic, Engagement, Leads, App Promotion, and Sales”.

Types of facebook ads 2022

This gives advertisers a great deal of flexibility when crafting their advertising campaigns. It also makes it simple to create engaging marketing campaigns that consumers notice. DEZIGN-IT has plenty of experience working with various ad formats provided by Facebook.


Much More Affordable Than Traditional Media

Facebook Ads are an extremely cost-effective advertising option when compared to traditional forms of advertising like print and television. A small newspaper ad can cost anywhere between R5000.00 and R50000.00. This is a significant barrier of entry for small businesses on a tight budget. The cost of running a Facebook ad starts at around R50.00 per 1,000 impressions.

Another cost advantage associated with Facebook ads is the sheer number of people that the advertisements can reach. A single ad can be seen by hundreds of thousands of people online. Newspapers are limited to their readership (which has been declining in South Africa over the last decade).

This makes the average cost of reaching 1,000 people using Facebook much lower than using traditional advertising. Even better, remember that you can tailor Facebook ads so they only reach your target demographic, so each one of those users is your ideal buyer.


Results can be monitored

Facebook provides detailed analytics for all ad campaigns. You will know precisely how many people saw an ad, how many clicked on it, which demographic they were in, how much each click cost your business, and much more.

We love analysing the data associated with Facebook ad campaigns and can help you understand if your campaigns are obtaining great value for money. We give you detailed ad reports so you can see what we have done and what has worked.

P.S Facebook actually wants your ads to work, think about it Facebook actually benefits if your ads work as you are then more likely to use Facebook ads again. Facebooks ads use machine learning and monitor your ads and offer guidance to make them work better.


You don’t need a website

You can even run Facebook Ads without having a website, sure having a website is always better but if you are just starting up and you don’t have a budget for a website yet, you can run Facebook Ads without a website.

One of the ways to run a Facebook Ad without a website is via Facebook Messenger you can run ads and get responses directly in Facebook Messenger.

All you would need is a Facebook Business Page.


Facebook Retargeting Using the Facebook Pixel

The Facebook Pixel is a snippet of code that is placed on your website. It tracks how users behave on a site.

Have you ever visited a website then gone onto Facebook and seen the same companies ad in your Facebook feed? That was a Facebook Pixel in action, we can actually tell Facebook to show ads only to people who have visited your site or we can narrow it down even further by telling Facebook to only show an ad to users who have visited a specific page or even users who have clicked on a specific button.

Unfortunately, whether we like it or not our movements are being tracked online, why not embrace it and rather use the available technology and leverage it to grow your business.


Boosting The Performance Of Your Facebook Ads

We specialise in designing and managing Facebook Paid Advertising campaigns. We can create a Facebook ad campaign that is effective and offers an incredible return on investment.

As an example, we recently had a client who was not only in a very competitive industry, it was also kind of difficult to find their ideal target audience. We had to be creative and think out of the box, so we created a video for them specific to what they were offering.

This was an industry-specific video which was 1 minute and 30 seconds long with no sales pitch. We used this video in a “Video View” ad that was targeted at anyone in South Africa between the ages of 21 to 65, male and female.

The key in the video was to make it so specific that only someone who is looking for the services mentioned would actually watch the entire video. We then created a lead generation ad with the services our client was offering and then asked Facebook to show this ad only to users who watched 95% of the video ad.

Common sense tells us that the only users who actually watched 95% of the video are users who are really interested in the services the video mentioned. Just like you and I, if we are watching a video that doesn’t interest us we will not watch it till the end and most probably won’t watch longer than 30 seconds.

However, if the video was about something that we are interested in, we would watch the whole clip. So, what we basically did was create our own audience — an audience that was highly targeted, prequalified, and ready to see what our client had to offer.

The secret was to make the video very specific and then leveraging Facebook’s algorithm to find the right users and turn them into leads. Keep in mind that not all leads are good leads, you could actually get a ton of leads but they could be all un-qualified and more time wasters than actual potential customers or clients.



Generating a steady stream of qualified leads is the sweet spot, and something we pride ourselves on. Huge figures of impressions, likes, and views are all well and good but if they are not ultimately turning into customers or clients then all they are is just a vanity metric to boost our egos.

There has never been a better time to advertise online, with so many options the possibilities are genuinely endless, so don’t let your competitors have all the fun, leverage Facebook advertising to grow your business.

Every buying decision is based almost entirely on trust.

The one big mistake so many businesses make is trying to sell to prospects right off the bat. If a person has never heard of your business before, what makes you think they’ll immediately pay for your products or services?

We build campaigns to establish trust and authority around your brand. So when it’s time to make an offer to prospects, they’re going to be more responsive as they’ve been taken from a position of not knowing you at all, to where they now KNOW, LIKE, and TRUST YOU.

At this stage, they are more likely to buy, repeat buy, and refer your business to others.

The secret is out, this is how to grow your business in 2022.

If you found this interesting and useful and you would like us to run your ads so you can also generate qualified leads for your business then signup for one of our packages or contact us and let’s set up a time to talk.


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